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Provo City School District

Timpanogos Elementary School


I can’t believe we get to see you all soon! Timpanogos has missed you so much during the summer! The custodians have cleaned the building and the teachers are decorating their classrooms and preparing lessons just for you. We have many activities planned for the year and looking forward to the adventures that await us all.

Ms. Rawlins has been given a new job at the District Office, and we are happy for her to have this exciting opportunity to work with many students throughout the district.

As the new principal and assistant principal, we are excited to meet you all, and have enjoyed getting to know many of you. We would like to share a little bit about us:

Clint Wolfe

I am Mr. Clint Wolfe and I am so happy to be here at Timpanogos! I am looking forward to getting to know each of you. I have spent the last few years at the District Office working in the Student Services office. I’m so excited to be back in the school working with students and families. I have an amazing wife Crystal and 4 awesome boys. I love sports, the mountains, and spending time with my family.

LeeAnn Parker

Mrs. LeeAnn Parker is the new Assistant Principal. She has taught kindergarten-5th Grade, and recently spent the past 6 years at Sunset View Elementary as Facilitator. She has five daughters and one Mr. Parker. She loves to garden and is taking a swim class at the Provo Rec Center.

Now back to some additional important information!

Class Lists

  • Come check out class lists in the main hallway or on PowerSchool. Lists are ready on PowerSchool by the first week in August for most grades, and will be available in the main hallway on August 9th at noon. You can also check on the school website for class lists.

Back-to-School Night

  • Friday August 9th 4:30-6:00 pm—School

First Day of School

  • Tuesday, August 13th for Kindergarten through 6th graders.
  • Early Dismissal at 1:30 p.m. for the first week of school and the following Monday
    • Tues.-Fri., August 13-16 and Monday, August 19

Testing and Beginning Parent/Teacher Conferences

  • School will be dismissed EARLY at 1:30 pm on August 13th, 14th, 15th and Friday August 16th. Monday, August 19 – also EARLY OUT – 1:30 p.m.
  • Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held during these times to set goals with students and parents. Please sign up with your child’s teacher for an appointment for this conference during Back-to-School Open House.
  • Monday, August 19th – Early Dismissal – 1:30 pm (this is district-wide).
  • PT/C times will be available on Monday, August 19. Check with your teacher at Back To School Night to make appointments.


  • Beginning assessments for Kindergarten will take place on Monday, Aug. 5th. Come anytime.
  • Class assignments will be made on Friday, Aug. 9th
  • Kindergarten Back to School Night will be August 9, the same as the rest of the school
  • First day of school for Kindergarten will be Tuesday, Aug. 13th.
  • Letters with testing times were mailed the last week in July. If you have not received a letter by August 2nd, please contact the office. (801.374.4955)


From time to time we ask for a donation from you to help with field trips and other class projects. These donations are not required. No child will be denied participation in any school day activity regardless of whether they have donated or not. Some programs operate outside the regular school day and are optional. These programs may require a fee.


Remember that a new application for free or reduced lunch must be filled out each year. Your student WILL BE CHARGED for lunches until an application is received and approved.

Community Council Elections

We currently have two parent positions open for our School Community Council. One member will serve the remainder of a 2-year term. Nominations will be open on Back to School Night, Aug. 9. Elections will be held Sept 5-8. Appointments will be made to fill any positions still open after elections. We invite all parents to come in and vote for a representative for Community Council.

  • If you would like to be considered a candidate or to nominate someone to serve on the School Community Council for the next two years, please contact the school office (374-4955) by Friday, August 25th.
  • The community council is an advisory board that consists of the principal, two other school employees, and at least four parents or guardians of students that attend the school. Each parent or guardian is elected for a 2-year term. The council usually meets in the Conference Room from 3:30 to 4:30 pm on the third Tuesday of each month. All meetings are open to the public, but only members may vote on the issues. The agenda for each meeting will be posted on the school website community council page, prior to each meeting.
  • Community Council Page

We look forward to a wonderful year with you and your children. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at the school office (801-374-4955). Sincerely, Clint Wolfe, Principal


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