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Provo City School District

Timpanogos Elementary School

Last modified: November 11, 2022

What is Title I?

What is Title 1

A federal allocation of funds for schools classified as low income to assist students to demonstrate proficiency related on the stateʼs academic standards. Title1 is a funding source, not a program

What are the purposes of Title 1?

  • Help students achieve proficiency on state academic standards- especially in reading/language arts and math.
  • Help teachers improve by providing quality professional development
  • Strengthen parentsʼ abilities to help their children succeed by providing quality parent involvement activities.

How did my childʼs school become a Title 1 school?

  1. Based on the percent of low income children in the school. which is identified by the free/ reduced price lunch application.
  2. All of Provoʼs Title1 schools are “school wide” schools
    1. School wide mission and goals are established.
    2. At least 40% poverty
    3. All students, regardless of income are served with Title1 funds.

How are Title1 funds used in Provo District?

  1. Personnel,(primarily instructional assistants)
  2. Supplies
  3. Extended day/year programs
  4. Preschool
  5. Equipment

Improving Student Achievement

  1. Title 1 schools must implement research-based instructional strategies and programs
  2. Teachers and instructional assistants must be highly qualified
  3. Instructional assistants must work under the direct supervision of a highly qualified teacher
  4. Targeted interventions are given to students who need additional instructional help
  5. Each school must review its progress annually.

Parent Involvement

  1. Parent right to know requirement- qualifications of your childʼs teacher such as degree and major, licenses and certifications
  2. School seeks parent input:
    1. a)in the planning and implementation of parent involvement activities
    2. b) in the development of school plan
    3. c) in the development of school -parent compact and parent involvement policy
  3. Parent access to assessment and evaluation data
  4. Description of the curricula and interventions used in the school
  5. DistrictParentInvolvementPolicy
  6. Parents may ask for meetings to make suggestions about the education of their children Annual Title1-A Information for Parents