Last modified: March 7, 2025
Parent Family Compact
Academic Success
The Student Will:
- Arrive at school on time, ready and motivated to learn
- Take an active role in my learning
- Know my present academic levels and set goals for growth with the help of my teacher
The Parent Will:
- Support my children in their learning by:
- Ensuring my child attends school regularly and on time (arrive by 8:15am)
- Making sure my child gets adequate sleep
- Limiting access to and time on electronic devices
- Knowing my child’s present academic levels
The Teacher Will:
- Provide high-quality, engaging curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables children to meet challenging State academic standards by:
- Differentiating instruction for student needs
- Teaching the Utah Core Standards using evidence-based curriculum
- Conducting frequent assessment of learning
- Providing feedback to students and parents on assignments, behavior, and assessments
The School Will:
- Provide high-quality, engaging curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables children to meet challenging State academic standards by:
- Ensuring there is a schedule for learning
- Providing extensions and interventions
- Conducting ongoing professional development
The Student Will:
- Be an active listener
- Follow directions the first time
- Add to the class lessons by asking questions and commenting appropriately
- Complete and hand in assignments
The Parent Will:
- Participate in decisions relating to the education of my children by:
- Meeting my child’s teacher and attending scheduled conferences
- Contacting the school with questions or concerns
- Support my child with a positive use of extracurricular time by:
- Establishing a distraction-free place and time for assisting my child with assignments
The Teacher Will:
- Provide data, materials, instructions, and opportunities that engage every student and family in student success. Examples include:
- Teaching to the best of my abilities
- Providing grade-level activities
- Communicating via email and Remind
- Sharing Progress Reports
The School Will:
- Provide data, materials, instructions, and opportunities that engage families in student success. Examples include:
- Annual Title I Meeting
- School-Wide Engagement Nights
- Preschool Story Time and Music Class
- Family Reading Challenge
- Strengthening Families Classes
- New to the Country Classes for Families
Build Community
The Student Will:
- Respect other students, adults, and their property by following our school-wide expectations called Tigers Give Me 5:
- Be Respectful
- Be Responsible
- Be Safe
- Be Kind
- Be a Problem Solver
- Participate in:
- Kindness Club (5th)
- Junior Hope Squad (6th)
The Parent Will:
- Volunteer when possible by:
- Joining the PTA
- Attending School Community Council
- Volunteering in my child’s classroom
- Volunteering at school events
- Attending school functions
- Helping with the monthly Food Bank delivery
The Teacher Will:
- Create a sense of community by:
- Providing an emotionally and physically safe place for students to learn
- Celebrating diversity while providing equity and inclusion for all students
- Celebrating and communicating student growth and success
- Being available for consultation a half hour before school and a half hour after school
- Sharing ways that parents can volunteer
The School Will:
- Create a sense of community by:
- Using Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
- Celebrating diversity while providing equity and inclusion for all students
- Fostering a school culture of kindness
- Being available for parent consultations
- Helping students and parents know that they are valued members of our school team
- Providing opportunities for parents to volunteer and participate in decision making
- Helping families with their basic needs and connecting them with community resources
Home & School Communication Connection
The Student Will:
- Read daily at home for 20 minutes
- Tell my parents what I learned each day
- Give my parents any papers I received at school
- Give my teacher any communication from my parents
The Parent Will:
- Support communication with the school by:
- Sending back paperwork and forms, as needed
- Returning phone calls and text notifications
- Updating contact information (phone number, email, physical address, etc.) when it changes
The Teacher Will:
- Engage in two-way, meaningful communication by:
- Holding Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Reporting student progress frequently
- Reviewing the School-Parent-Family Compact
- Communicating via email, phone calls, texts, or notes
- Providing translation services as necessary
The School Will:
- Engage in two-way, meaningful communication by:
- Providing translation services as necessary
- Communicating via email, phone calls, notes, texts, or Parent Link
- Sending home four standards reports per year
- Sharing principal’s videos on social media platforms and our website
- Providing families with information on safe routes to school