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Provo City School District

Timpanogos Elementary School

Agenda & Minutes October 15, 2024

Welcome: Eric Chase (SCC Chair)

Attendance:  Eric Chase (SCC Chair)

Jordan Gibby (TES parent)

Clint Wolfe (Principal, TES)

Allison Ferguson (Faculty Rep, TES)

LeeAnn Parker (Assistant Principal, TES)

Senthia Ogletree (Council Member

Amy Clyde, school staff

Jolyn Souffrant (council member)

Megan Seawright (council member)

Kari Kolling (excused – may come later)

Gina Hales (PCSD School Board member (representing our school and community)

Introductions of all those attendance:

Review minutes from September 17, 2024 Agenda and Minutes, included below (secretary)

Today’s Agenda Items:

1.  Safe Routes to School

Provo City Representative in attendance Helping with signage by chiropractor and along crosswalk We have five crosswalk guards helping Timpanogos students No left turns on to 500 W and 400 N during pickup and drop off times Public works not allowed to touch State Street, not able to put “no left turn” along State Street School can put “no left turn” out of parking lot Safe Routes Update Have crosswalk guards stay until kids are done crossing, hopefully around 8:20 am at the latest Reach out to police department–can crossing guards stay longer? Ideally, it would be great to have someone out directing traffic in the school parking lot during the first couple weeks of school Signs on 600 W 500 N – the need for zebra stripes  for the crossing. Senthia mentioned a lot of walkers on the way home.  The area past 800 W doesn’t have any crosswalks (on 500 W) Put green line on 500 N; Zebra lines at corner 700 W 800 N; crossing guard at 500 N 600 W crosses ped. east/west. Sgt. Bascomb is contact for PD re: crossing guard staying 5 minutes later. Promote “walk, bike, and roll”. Inform and refresh the traffic flow informational.  Create a visual map to send out on Remind, email, flyer. Senthia asked about the SAFE ROUTES info. And why.  The city PWA mentioned the school. Train the students with a lanyard/incentive for correct crosswalk/paths. Thanks to Kaehan Shour and Vern Keeslar, AICP traffic manager (provo public works). Eric Chase mentioned that the PCSD wanted to spend $400,000 to make improvements.

2.  Action Items:

Reach out to the police department to see if crosswalk guards (especially the one at the light on 500) can stay later. Hopefully till 8:20 at the latest. Senthia made a motion to have SCC provide an agenda

Looking ahead: What deadlines are coming up

Next meeting: Nov 19, 2024 3:15 PM (Main Office Conference Room)


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