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Provo City School District Logo

Provo City School District

Timpanogos Elementary School

To maintain a healthy and secure learning environment, it’s essential for parents and guardians to be aware of when to keep their child home from school.

Please adhere to the following guidelines:

Fever: Must be fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication

Vomiting and Diarrhea: Must be free of vomiting/diarrhea for at least 24 hours.

Persistent Cough: Cough lasting more than 3-4 days.

Strep Throat: Any bacterial infection should be treated for at least 24 hours before returning to school.

Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis): Should be evaluated by a health care provider. If antibiotics are prescribed, must be treated for at least 24 hours before returning to school.

Skin Rash: Any rash that may be due to an infection should be evaluated by a health care provider.

Head Lice: Students with live bugs should receive treatment, then return to school. We do not have a No-Nit Policy.

Adhering to these guidelines ensures a healthier environment for all students and helps prevent the spread of illnesses within our school community. Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to the well-being of our students.

Contact the health room for questions.


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